
Convention of civilized readers

1. Please keep your clothes clean and tidy and do not enter the library in  vests or slippers.

2. Please do not spit on the floor and drop litter.

3. In order to maintain the quiet reading atmosphere of Suzhou Library, please do not quarrel or fight in the library, and please mute your mobile. 

4. To jointly maintain the order in Suzhou Library, do not hold seats, chat or sleep in the reading rooms, and do not bring colored drinks or snacks into the reading rooms.

5. Cherish books, and smearing or damaging books is strictly prohibited. Do not take books and periodicals out of the library without permission.

6. Use the public facilities properly, in case of problems encountered, find the staff for solution and do not deliberately damage the public facilities.

7. Do not smoke in the library, and do not bring flammables, explosives or controlled knives into the library.
8.  Please abide by the rules and regulations of the library, and your support to the staff’s work in accordance with the rules is appreciated.