
Rules of comprehensive books reading room

Article 1 This room is the comprehensive books reading room, and contains books of the following categories: Literary fiction (I), Languages and characters (H), Comprehensive (Z) and a various of reference books and original foreign language books which are open to the public free of charge (readers below 16 please go to Children's Hall).

Article 2 Opening hours: 9:00 -- 21:00 (also open on holidays).

Article 3 This room is for open-shelf borrowing, and the readers can select the books by themselves. If you do not intend to borrow any books, please put them back in the same place or into the book cart. The books in this room are only for reading, and not for borrowing.

Article 4 Please keep quiet while reading in this room; please do not speak loudly on mobile or use portable player and other electronic digital equipment.

Article 5 Readers with subject for consultation shall contact the staff in the room to fill out the consultation form, and readers who want to take materials out of the room to copy need to provide valid identification. Please do not take books or other materials out of this room without permission from the staff.

Article 6 Please take care of the books. Hiding, tearing, painting, defacement or stealing books are strictly prohibited, offenders might be penalized by 5--10 times the book price.

Article 7 This room is not open for self-studying. Please keep your bags in the self-service storage counter or at the main service counter. Please do not bring in food, beverages or books (prints) and keep the room clean.